"No one waits for the traffic lights to turn red before walking round here," he said as we crossed a road, "Everyone is driving illegal so they won't hit you!"
We had a really interesting chat over lunch about life "post ban". Saying that, although The London School of Shariah site which Mr Waleed's talks occasionally appeared on was banned, his own site slipped through the net, though he was telling me he thinks the whole situation is a good opportunity for a change in focus which he has felt brewing for a while. I'm not going into more detail yet as we filmed for about an hour and spoke about a whole range of stuff, so once I put a computer together I'll edit something so you can hear Mr Waleed speak for himself.
Although January is racing past I can feel a quiet determination to get things done this year. I'm in a good situation and I know what I want to do and what I need to change. I'm lucky to have health and opportunity.
I was chatting last weekend with an enthusiastic bunch of English raw foodists who have been living out in California. At 4 AM when my eyes were closing they were still full of energy so I have since armed myself with salad, nuts and grapefruit. I am taking it easy though. I ate some raw bread, raw butter and raw marmite last night and had a raw egg boiled in water for three minutes this morning. I tried eating salad every day before and I noticed I was happier so I will experiment carefully and see what happens.
Did I say I had turned veggie before Christmas? A Vegan Satanist friend of mine posted some video about how dairy cows are treated and I gave up milk, then he posted some stuff about fish having personalities so I stopped eating meat. There was thirteen different types of meat on the kitchen table Christmas day and I just ate nut roast and veg. I did cheat and have a bit of meat infused gravy which was the nicest thing I ate all day.
Ideologically I have been a vegetarian for a long while, I was just a hypocrite who ate meat. I couldn't kill anything, though we have unblocked the cat flap so these passing moggies can keep the mice down a bit. I think I am just getting my karma ready to hitch a ride on the mothership when it returns in 2012 innit.