U.K. Cleared to Send Terror Suspects to U.S.
Well I finally got through all the articles and on the way found that the Rev Coles has
finally been "outed" (again!) by The Daily Mail and they have actually done a decent job of the story wonder of all wonders though without his consent. I met him after being directed his way by one of Hamza's cohorts after his arrest in 2005. I thought I would do it properly and went along to one of his church services. At the end when they have a really nice ritual where everyone greets the people around them the woman next to me started describing the trouble the Revered had with the congregation accepting him, and the penny dropped- and blew my mind.
Speaking to Rev Coles he asked me not to write anything connecting them so I didn't cos I didn't want to be responsible for "Hamza visited by gay vicar" in the tabloids. He is a really nice guy and I am glad the Daily Mail have reported his impressions of Hamza in full as these are the impressions I got as well.
From the rest of the news around the subject of deportation I noticed people rightly pointing out that the missing piece in the puzzle Haroon Rashid Aswat is
curiously not on his way to the States. I am not really into conspiracy theories of any kind, but this one seems to hold weight as I heard from someone who was detained with him that he disappeared kicking and shouting in the night last seen sane so I am tempted to believe this one.
Also from the Daily Mail
Rede Hassaine's account of his activities is very interesting, though reference to "the little known deal described as a covenant of security" is stupid as every Muslim would know of the covenant of security
Hamza used to shout about all the time in the street as it is from the bloody Koran. Though none of the TV news broadcasters used to use these quotes pre 7/7 curiously.
I will try and get some reaction from those closer to Hamza, but I am not hopeful anyone will want to say anything at this time.
UPDATE: Not so sure about the Aswat thing as he was in a seperate block and his mental health issues at Long Lartin have been documented
ANOTHER UPDATE: Had to drop in a link to
this interesting article about a trial in the US which seems to reference almost every terror trial and act everywhere in the west to date.