I am not endorsing this article at all, especially (I know its superficial) that right wing women are more attractive is blown to pieces by women like Rhania Khalek, Krystal Ball, Ana Kasparian, not my type and I am digressing but instantly attractive right wing women don't come to mind and those that have been pointed out to me make me snigger.
Also to some of the judgeyness of the article, we decided in the 80s people could look how the fuck they want. In a very straight and strangley 50s obsessed culture (due to a Levi ad) in backwater Dorset we were the weirdos and we embraced all weirdos. I know millenials have invented new terminologies for the sort of people we saw in alternative clubs in Bournemouth but hadn't a collective name for, and that these new collective names wind some people up, including some of the LGBTQetc people themselves. I keep things simple. I would struggle with pronouns but if you want to be Susan you are Susan.
"Woke" also, as the article says has been on a journey as language does by its nature. (read linguist Noam Chomsky)
Where I get this title if not the article itself was that when I went to Hyde Park for 420 with my Coronabongs as we were still in semi lockdown, my first impression of GenZ enne mass I totally understood that they were a backlash against some of the angst of "woke millennials". It wasn't because anything happened in particular either. Just that they instantly seemed much more like us GenXers, and I knew that would be an issue. This was a very stark realisation in my weed addled mind.
I came across a meme on this subject from a 50s TV series (maybe the Munsters?) with an older lady pouring wine for a kid with the lady memed as Gen X the kid as Gen Z and disapproving Millenials of some description? (I found it, below)
And that is where I will leave this one to you to read the article yourself and tell me what u think?