February 19, 2005


After talking to Barry I dropped round to see “the editor” He was in a bit of a bad way. It disturbs me when he’s not his usual infuriating cocky cunt of a self. Suffering from lost love he’s fallen back into old habits. I filmed him injecting his last bit of smack.

“You’re not going to die are you? I don’t want to film you dying.”

He assured me that he was going to spend all his money on a new camera the next day to leave himself without any money for more scag. He intended to freeze it out with some valium over the weekend. I’m in touch with my feminine side and so I like hugging my male friends as tightly as female ones. The editor isn’t so much like this so I was pleased and a bit worried when he gave me a really big hug as I left.

Good luck Mr. Editor


Anonymous said...

i left a comment here 24 hours ago and it still hasn't shown up. maybe i did something wrong. anyway, it was this:

this is disturbing. chilling. it sucks to be helpless. not him, us.

DAVE BONES said...

I think he'll be O.K. He's quite an experienced lapsing junkie. He's not the snivelling thieving kind anyway so its up to him I suppose.

I.:.S.:. said...

"Suffering from lost love he’s fallen back into old habits."

Suffering from an excruciating neck injury, motherfucker.

You don't know how much good losing this love has done me.

Kimberly is worried about me, is that what the comment means? :) Well, imagine, that makes me really pleased! But my child, be not disturbed, neither be thou chilled. And give not a junkie thy sympathy because that may be exactly what he(/she) wants, miserable snivelling attention-seeking self-pitying sons-of-whores.

I have half a bag and it's the last one. Then I delete all my dealer numbers from my phone and suffer for a few days. It's so easy to give up heroin you wouldn't believe it.

I.:.S.:. said...

"I have half a bag and it's the last one. Then I delete all my dealer numbers from my phone and suffer for a few days."

Aah haahahahahaa!! But that's exactly what I told you last Friday wasn't it?

"He assured me that he was going to spend all his money on a new camera the next day to leave himself without any money for more scag."

I got the camera, though, really nice one! Think I might sell it tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

m, you're a nut. i just hope you stay a living nut. i am so far removed from the drug culture...i wouldn't presume to know where you're coming from. i just hope you find balance somehow. what you're doing can't be good for you. you're a big boy i guess. i won't give your antics anymore attention except to sey....i wish you well.