April 07, 2008


The Olympic flame was extinguished three times on Monday and the Paris leg of its round-the-world tour abandoned after the event descended into a French farce.

Though a certain lady will kill me if she sees this- I have to post a link to another perspective on the Tibet thing from an old friend of us Socialistwankers Anna Chen

"Tibet or not tibet: Shangri-La la land"


dweller said...

angleterre did get it put out once,
just before st pauls cathedral,
the blue guys ran back with it and jumped onto the red bus, there was no flame coming out.
I saw it on news 24.

DAVE BONES said...

So if it went on a bus does that count as a penalty? We are all kicking ourselves we didn't chase it with huge spliff's.

I'm very impressed. Its good to see people protesting with passion for a fucking good reason rather than the murky drugged up shit I used to get up to.

dweller said...

I still feel the J18 smash the city demo was the ultimate London demo I've been on and participated in.

DAVE BONES said...

You were there? I heard about that in India. Do write something about it for Socialistwanker if you want to. I remember the M40 invasion was quite a spectacle, successful and peaceful but I wonder now what taking over a motorway taking drugs and partying was all about..