April 26, 2005


For those who don't know I am a big fan of Jon Snow's snowmails:

Immigration, immigration, immigration

If 1997 was "education, education education" for Labour, the Tories have ensured that this one is "immigration, immigration, immigration".

Michael Howard is telling his constituents by letter tonight that asylum seekers have cost Kent County Council £258,914,943. He doesn't mention that the county has so far been re-imbursed by central government to the tune of some £240 million and that the rest is pending verification of the accounts, but let it pass.The big news tonight is that the CBI director, top dog in the British boss fraternity, has damned Tory plans to cap immigration. On Channel Four News tonight, Sir Digby Jones says in effect that British business is NOT thinking what Mr Howard's thinking on immigration.


Immigration is a big issue in the elections coming up over here. On this news program Digby Jones from the CBI (who I always hated) stated that a one percent rise in immigration brought a one-and a-half percent boost to the economy. Roughly translated as FUCK YOU Tory wankers.

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