July 08, 2005

John Snow Channel 4 snowmail:

Africa back on the agenda

In Gleneagles $50 billion for Africa debt relief for 18 of the 60
states that need it.

High criticism from many NGOs who say there's nothing on trade -some
of them are directing their anger both at the G8 leaders, but also the
Make Poverty History Campaign.

That's because leading MPC campaigners - like Geldof and Bono (who is
on the show tonight) - are stressing that the deal, whilst
disappointing, is a much needed start.

Almost total failure to come up with anything meaningful on climate
change. The text actually lifts key phrases from George Bush's own
environment paper of 2002.

The result is being denounced by environmentalists both 'radical' and
'moderate' - as a disappointing failure.


The whole fucking thing organised to convince Mr. Bush to say that climate change is a result of human action. Didn't work. You can just imagine Tony Blair-

"Say it George. Just say it. It'll be O.K. trust me. Just say it. Say it George. Then we will be the world leaders to go down in history as having said it. Say it. George....George...."

Debt cancellation wont work without trade agreements. Debt cancellation. No trade agrements. Half the worlds population watched a pop concert for this?



If Live8 didn't work should half the worlds population do it like this instead?

1 comment:

I.:.S.:. said...

the link to canada.com doesn't work