April 29, 2006


This is a scientific study of the effects of Fly Agaric Mushrooms which was on TV in the UK a long time back though I've seen the scientists involved on TV quite a lot over the years. My Fly Agarics didn't have this effect but then I didn't die, which is good news. Haven't seen many flies about though ...

There is a recorded death due to this mushroom whose common name, fly agaric, was due to the practice in the middle ages of breaking the cap into platefuls of milk in order to stupefy flies...

The Lapps observed their reindeer herds would eat this mushroom and then appear intoxicated, so the Lapps themselves tried it. What happens initially is the central nervous system is affected and the muscles of the affected person start to twitch and pull convulsively, followed by dizziness and a death like sleep. During this stage the mushroom is often vomited but the drunkenness and stupor continue. Whilst in this state vivid visions occur and upon waking there is a sense of elation along with intense physical activity due to the nerves being highly stimulated.

Its worse in Siberia

The active ingredient is excreted in the urine of those consuming the mushrooms, and it has sometimes been the practice for a shaman to consume the mushrooms, and the rest of the tribe to drink his urine: the shaman, in effect, partially detoxifying the drug (the sweat- and twitch-causing muscarine is absent in the urine). This was also not an uncommon practice in Siberia, where the poor would consume the urine of the wealthy, who could afford to buy the mushrooms.

Explains Russian communism no?

Part Three,Part Four


Indigobusiness said...

Better to twitch and sweat than to drink piss, I reckon.

Lazy said...

Couldn't afford to buy them? They grow fucking everywhere, from the Gulf of Bothnia to Kamchatka.

Indigobusiness said...

...to Walla Walla.