These are pictures from the blog of a Mexican friend of mine who has a job doing computer animation in Los Angeles. Adrian lived with us briefly in the squat I posted the news report about. We had quite a few illegal Argentinians, Brazilians, Poles etc. Lovely crowd. I don't think I could live anywhere else in the UK now. Too many English people.
English people?
So, that's what you call them?
Bloody wankers.
Actually, I'm fairly fond of English folk. I don't know why.
bunch of twats
I've always been fond of twats, too.
Pigdogs, on the other hand, not so much.
Honky pigdogs, definitely not.
I believe it! I just read an article (and I don't think of it as an 'authority') but English people are supposeldy No. 1 in their antisocial behavior. Dang, fill me in on some examples!
don't get me started on the fuckin limeys. I'm just about safe in London where we are diluted enough not to notice.
hooliganism began in England
A dip into the archives suggests that British behaviour abroad has actually been remarkably consistent over the last three centuries...the typical tourist rarely made any effort to learn the language...the diarist Francis Kilvert... famously wrote: ‘Of all noxious animals, too, the most noxious is a tourist. And of all tourists, the most vulgar, ill-bred, offensive, and loathsome is the British tourist.'
All this is true. When I was in India I tried to get away from Englishness but realised after a year that I was a prime example of all of it.
in the not too distant future all the well behaved people here will see sense and keep the hard working immigrants here and throw the ones who complain about them out.
The main reason I'm fond of you Englishmen is that when you walk across the pond to visit us, it makes us Texicans look so much better.
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