April 10, 2006

Nothing of my own to post right now. Almost got inspired the other night chatting with a friend over a bottle of wine. Can't remember what about now though. Must have been important. Anyway, I picked up a right-wing womens paper, as I am prone to do these days to see what the other sides concerns are.

What is right-wing these days in the UK? First thing I read is about wives of soldiers in Iraq suing the government.

"Servicemen who go off to war are led to believe that if they die their families will be looked after, but that is not really the case."

Also an interesting leak from what the Tories are calling a "7/7 whitewash"

the official inquiry into the attacks will say they were planned on a shoestring budget and did not have any direct support from al Qaida.

According to the Observer, the Home Office report, being complied by a senior civil servant, will say the atrocities were not the work of an international terror network as originally suspected.

Rather they were carried out by four men who had scoured terror sites on the internet.

Tory homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer said the lack of a link with al Qaida was difficult to believe.

"The leak suggests that the Government's narrative on the July attacks is going to make no connection with international terrorism and al Qaida," he said.

"I find that very hard to believe. A narrative from the Government is going to come from the same sources that provided us with the dodgy dossier over Iraq. This is why it is so important that we have an independent inquiry and not just another Government whitewash."

The Government has repeatedly rejected demands for a public inquiry into the attacks. Instead it will publish a definitive account of what happened in a written narrative.

let me tell you a story....

Oh yeah. I forgot. I watched the infuriating documentary about the Gospel of Judas last night. Very interesting. They dragged out what could have been said in 10 minutes to almost an hour and a half. It was like fingers down a blackboard wondering whether they were going to put a new fact up of go back to well shot endless repetition. Wankers. Anyway, yeah. Judas. Jesus told me to betray him to "Release him from this world." Oh and something about there being a God who is even bigger than the God who made the world- I think thats what it was about anyway. Bloody hard to tell.

Work it out for yourself.

Left me with an interest in these "Gnostic gospels"


DAVE BONES said...

Nice one. I didn't realise there were 14 gospels. I'll take a look at that.

Anonymous said...

THeres lots of books/gospels missing.

Anonymous said...

Yaah, loads and loads. Look at www.naghammadi.org as well for the full set...