I had an interesting conversation with the officer, who I recognised.
"He recongises me." he said to his co-workers.
I admitted I had filmed on a number of demonstrations though I didn't feel part of any group anymore.
"So you've given up?" he asked.
"No. I'd have a revolution tomorrow, but only if you lot would join it."
"We'd join in if we got better pay, and bigger truncheons." he answered.
I spoke for a long while with a lady called Barbara (I think) who wouldn't go on camera. She was a bit cryptic but definitely a BNP sympathizer who was also a lecturer who used to work for Police intelligence. When a member of the F.I.T. team took her photograph and she challenged them as to why they told her it was because she was talking to me.
Eventually maybe 50-80 National Front supporters turned up and marched. I was expecting a load of anti-Nazi people. There weren't any and the black independent journalists who turned up had much the same objective interest in filming as I did. I managed to do quite a civilized interview with a standing National front parish councillor, which was my main objective for the day so I'm quite happy. I'll get an edit onto Youtube later.

Interesting afternoon, interesting bunch and I had a very good chat with the others who were filming afterwards some of whom had heard of Malung TV News.
I dont agree with the NF or what they stand for. I was disappointewd on report prior to the march that black shopkeepers had been asked to close their shops as this should not impact upon them. However, im glad it went down without any problem.
Yeah, that was all bullshit, and the Police said so in the Voice:
“That’s complete rubbish,” said a police spokesperson. “The police have not asked any local businesses to close for the day as a result of this march. An appropriate police presence will be put in place to deal with any problems that may arise.”
There were 50-70 people, no shops closed and there was no trouble.
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