Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Jeremy feared contamination from dirt and germs which prevented

But whilst taking part in a small clinical study to investigate the effects of psilocybin, the hallucinogenic compound found in 'magic' mushrooms, on people with OCD, Jeremy's bare feet lay on the floor and he expressed a willingness to engage in an activity, playing with a ball, that just hours before he would have been considered abhorrent.
Although Jeremy's symptoms gradually returned, other patients also experienced transient relief from their OCD symptoms and one entered an extended period of remission lasting more than six months
"I really think that participating in the study influenced the patient's remission"
Dr Francis Moreno
University of Arizona
you have me linked under fundamentalist propoganda. too funny. i miss you. i am now at i want to start painting again soon. i keep saying that. maybe if you keep in touch i'll actually be inspired to do it! love. kim.
I have been threatening to visit Texas for too long now.
If everyone's brain operates on an AC current, then having OCD is like running on a DC current (metaphorically).
It sorta makes sense that the magic mushrooms could re-configure that -- plus the bonus of feeling spiritual and whatnot.
Texas is fun -- oysters and beer in garage bars called icehouses = good.
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