June 06, 2005


Over on Omegaprojektet just now I read a great piece about EVP.

Now I haven't had many supernatural things happen to me off of drugs.

Once, when I was a Christian knocking on doors telling complete strangers that they needed Jesus every Sunday I had a "word of prophesy" in my prayer time that "one person would come to know the lord" as a result of our mission the coming weekend. To cut a long story short, it happened exactly as I had prophesied and I believe the guy is still a christian now.

Once Mike H and I took part in the filming of a ouji board experiment with Jud Charlton and another friend which became part of his excellent stage show.

I entered into the spirit of the occasion with an open mind, and was really suprised to find the glass enthusiastically traveling around the letters, camera running.

Of course it was spelling complete gobbledygook, but I didn't care as I had never seen a glass moving round a table apparently of its own accord with four peoples fingers on it ever before in my life.

I got the impression that we had come across a spirit who couldn't spell. Maybe a kid. (the building we were squatting was originally built as a shelter for ex-child prostitutes) Jud and I encouraged the spirit to take the glass wherever it wanted. It started moving noticeably faster.

Mike H got impatient and shouted at whatever was doing it to make sense. The glass stopped, then slowly moved to the edge of the board, wiping all the letters off the table.

Maybe we are surrounded by the spirits of the dead.


Deek Deekster said...

or worse, the spirits of the deaf...

RightwingSparkle said...

You use to be a Christian, huh???

Very interesting. I have a feeling that if we get to meet we will talk for days...;-)

I.:.S.:. said...

I came up with most of the material for that damn "excellent stage-show", I swear it. Where is Jud, anyway? Why doesn't he invite me to any showbiz parties, that ingrate?

I.:.S.:. said...

Oh yeah I remember! I called the spirit a "sub-literate moron", and it got pissed off and ruined the ouija board!

DAVE BONES said...

that was it. you thought it was a sub-literate moron, we thought it was a kid. Never know now shall we. I've got a number for Jud. I'd like to see the footage of the seance again.

I.:.S.:. said...

75 per cent of the material in that "excellent stage-show" was straight from me, I swear it... Do you think I got a writing credit? Send me Jud's number, anyway...