June 04, 2005


The Downing Street Memo, official minutes of a 2002 meeting minutes between British Prime Minister Tony Blair, members of British intelligence MI-6 and various members of the Bush administration, notes that MI-6 director Richard Dearlove said, “Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”

Blair and other British officials have not questioned the minutes’ veracity.

If I die in Iraq, I do not want anyone to make a political statement out of my death. I need to say that again. If I die in Iraq, I do not want to be used as a martyr for political gain.

a very interesting review of Michael Moores book: Dude where's my country from an american soldier serving in Iraq.

"They were very good breakfasts," says McAlpine. "Kidneys, sausages, bacon, scrambled egg, kippers, all that kind of thing, laid out on a big buffet. The point of the buffet was we didn't have any waiters in the room - so no one could hear what we were plotting - and it was good plotting stuff."

an article about the last campaign for a "yes vote" in Britain.

To round up: a story about Tony and Cherrie's spiritual awakening

the Guardian newspaper in Britain published ample extracts from Francis Wheen's new book, "How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World: A Short History of Modern Delusions." Wheen recounts the rise of gurus, spiritualists and assorted pagan beliefs. One of the most successful modern gurus is Deepak Chopra, who earns around $20 million a year...Wheen also recounts that Cherie Blair, wife of the British Prime Minister, is keen on alternative forms of spirituality....Both Cherie and Tony Blair underwent a Mayan rebirthing experience while on holidays in Mexico in 2001.

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