I first met Adnan Saddiqi at a European Social Forum meeting a while back. An ex guantanamo detainee was speaking falteringly about his experiences from behind a screen on a stage in Camden town hall. Adnan and cagedprisoners.com had helped organize the event.
Adnan has always been encouraging me in my progress on this project. He has a great sense of humour and relaxed media savy.

"lawyers have documented all of the claims of those who have been released from Guantanamo... a canadian journalist who has been to Guantanamo Bay told me that it was inconcievable that the soldiers were not following orders. In the US Army there are standard operating procedures about buckling your shoes...It is unfair to use the lower soldiers as scapegoats...they have said themselves that they were only following orders...those higherup should be held responsible...The US government feels it is above the geneva convention."
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