May 16, 2005


This was from the mirror the other day. Nice to see someone keeping the pressure up after Jamie Olivers amazing series. Jamie didn't make any political stand over this, quite wisely, but the film he was inspired by certainly did. Its a symptom of capitalism innit?

One of my republican buddies is directing me towards some shit which crtisizes the effect of socialism on my countrymen. I dont see it. Put the health of our nations children out to competetive tender you get this. No suprise whatsoever.

The Mirror names and shames Rentokil-Initial(a pest control company) Sodexho alliance and Compass.

Doing the same thing with the railways produces this sort of thing. Again, no suprises. A friend of mines father was one of the career railwaymen who were sacked en masse and replaced with cheap unskilled labour.

The article says

"It is depressing to see a man like Orwell equating profit with exploitation"

So what the fuck is that on the kids plate?


The Scrutinator said...

Sorry I've been off-line. Wife won't let me blog 'till my other work's done. (Communal living requires compromise, dunnit?)

This doesn't look like an abundance of competition, but a lack of it. If the kids won't buy it, won't they go out of business in a hurry? And if somebody's buying it for them, that's not capitalism, that's socialism!

Nothing anti-capitalist about establishing safety, skill or nutritional standards. (Anti-libertarian, maybe, but that's why I'm not one.) In fact, a lack of safety is a Socialist hallmark. (Yeah, yeah, that wasn't your socialist experiment. If I had a quid for every time I heard that line...)

Then there's the whole buying-what's-bad-for-you syndrome. A stickier wicket, but still an interesting discussion.

In a socialist state, you'd be getting served that junk or worse. The difference is, the same people serving it to you own the newspapers & TV news, too.

DAVE BONES said...

yeah, I wouldn't really argue for one system above another. In the past human beings clinged to various dogma whereas surely the way forward is to find solutions that suit everybody- and NOT FUCKING CALL THEM ANY -ISM!!

I'd extend that to this "war on terror" shit.

I definately have the old lefty hatred of the extremely rich though.

DAVE BONES said...

I'm not sure how you equate North Korea or communist Russia with Socialism.

DAVE BONES said...

Im not sure why you point to chernobil and forget 3 mile island either...

The Scrutinator said...

I'm with you on that: blindly following dogma is what causes most of the crap we see around the world. Ugly.

I don't give you nearly enough credit for the ribbing you give the dogmatic British socialists. (I get lost quickly in British politics: the unfamiliar names and situations. So the humor's lost on me too.) But the jester's is an important voice. Give 'em 'ell. A lot of what I direct at you should be to them instead.

My biggest problem with Socialists is the way they distance themselves from (or turn a blind eye to) the last disaster they created as they rush into the next one. And they blur the lines between Socialism, Communism and totalitarianism. U.S.S.R. stood for "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", and socialists were proud of that at one time. Why don't socialists reject Cuban totalitarian influence today? One of your own sources praises "the Vietnamese people", turning a blind eye to human rights conditions that are "dismal", in "one of the most tightly controlled societies in the world", known for its "attacks on freedom of expression and association".

(Three Mile Island was a close call, but didn't harm anybody, but Chernobyl killed untold numbers, affecting up to seven million.)

Regarding the extremely rich: Ironically, the very wealth they've grasped seems to curse them and their children. But as we Republicans say, you don't help the wage earner by tearing down the wage payer.

DAVE BONES said...

"Socialists...distance themselves from (or turn a blind eye to) the last disaster they created as they rush into the next one."

HA! did your government do the same thing by not learning any lessons from Vietnam to apply to their behaviour in the middle east?

(except to NEVER fight in the jungle)

as far as ribbing those on your own "side" You gotta have a laff eh?
Some of them see the joke and the dogmatic ones deserve what they get.

I'd rather communicate with you republicans than most of them. ha ha

Its boring listening to people you agree with all the time. I can't believe how so many of them stand around doing it.

DAVE BONES said...

"But as we Republicans say, you don't help the wage earner by tearing down the wage payer."

hey, if republicans are saying that GET BACK AGAINST THE WALL MUTHAFUKA!!!