May 10, 2005

No idea what she sings like but Joss Stone is a babe no? Can anyone tell me- Is she looking at me like she fancies me in this picture or is it my imagination?

Joss and Dave? Dave and Joss? Naaaah....

On the subject of nice birds Pamela Anderson is taking on KFC, narrating the kentucky fried cruelty movie. These scenes remind me of those in the film koyanasqatsi although the colonels beak chopper is MUCH worse...I hope he chokes on his finger lickin' fuckin' chickin!

Quite different to the last Pamela Anderson movie I downloaded anyway.


Stefanie said...

I have no idea what Joss Stone sounds like, either, but I wish I did.

She is so cute. And the name Joss Stone makes English names sound almost exotic! Almost as cool as Brazilians or some shit.

But I think she's like 16. I noticed that she keeps her body covered, and I wonder if being underage is the only reason. I hope she doesn't slut out once she turns 18. I want to cradle her and feed her organic fruit.

DAVE BONES said...

I know! sixteen! ridiculous no? Apparently shes from devon too. God know what her speaking voice is like- I bet she sounds like a country bumpkin.

Jesus Henry Christos said...

i think the chicken scene alluded to is from baraka, not koyanasqatsi (although i've never seen baraka, only heard that it has images of a chicken processing plant.)

DAVE BONES said...

Jesus henri christos! As Koyanasqatsi is first on my favourite film list I should know what I am talkin' about!

But being a malung....errrr....

I thought Baraka was the one which was filmed all around the world and koyanasqatsi was the one filmed in the states, in which case I am 60% certain I am right...

To everyone who hasn't a clue what we are on about WATCH BOTH FILMS I beg you, they are probably the most important 2 films ever made.

cheers jesus!

Jesus Henry Christos said...

you bastard, you had to go and bring up the fact that i have koyanasqatsi listed behind 'willy wonka and the chocolate factory', didn't you?

here's the discussion in imbd where i read about the chickens.

in any case, i think i'll rent it this week -- it's high time i watched it...and i still need to see naqoyqatsi too.


DAVE BONES said...

like i said, errr...

well god knows.

profound things happen to me when i watch these films.

"naqoyqatsi"? You mean theres another one?

Jesus Henry Christos said...

yeah, the final chapter in the 'qatsi' trilogy. also, here.

DAVE BONES said...

looks like I was wrong...

as I said, err.........