September 05, 2006


Remember Sparkle's Attack of the Clone fucker?

Some fucker has put a really crap reedit of some of my stuff on Youtube! Ah well. Masturbation is the sincerest form of flattery I suppose. I was meaning to do that myself for ages. Here it is.
For a more comprehensive story (edited to make a bit more sense) do look at the (slightly higher quality) videos in my sidebar.

Me, I did what I usually do in these situations. I ran and found Hajj, this time in a Turkish cypriot Coffee bar. Any long term readers will know that Hajj backed off from The Supporters of Shariah quite a while back. I found him well,and laughing because his daughter had read what I had written about him before. I checked that I hadn't offended him.

"You don't write lies." he told me.

I tried to work out exactly who had been arrested.


"No. He's just got married."


"No. He's in prison for some sort of robbery. Not related."

This really alarmed me as Jamal was the only one of them who had visied my house. He didn't seem the type to get invloved with a robbery at all.

"Maybe someone set him up?" Hajj had no further information.

He was unsuprised by the arrests. Reading between the lines he didn't seem too pleased with Abdullahs CNN performance and remarked that he had told Abdullah so, and that Abdullah had agreed on recollection that it might have come across wrong.

"I tell you not 99 percent, but 100 percent this school has NOTHING to do with terrorism." he told me "This for me will be the true test of our legal process because I KNOW there is nothing wrong with that school."

"And Abdullahs brother, he doesn't even come to meetings. He just comes for dinner. If they have been under surveilance the Police will know that. Everyone uses that restaurant. Five pounds eat as much as you like..""

"Do you think he's a bit naiive?" I asked.

"He thinks he can solve all this on his own by preaching."

I had to agree. I sort of wonder if I had carried on filming if it would have done Abdullah any good. It would probably have just got me in the shit.

I tried to politely enquire whether Hajj had thought Abdullah had changed recently.

"He wouldn't hurt a fly. He's just got a mouth you know?"

I suggested out loud that I was thinking of visiting Abdullah once they had finnished questioning him. "I suppose if i visit Abdullah I might as well visit Mr Hamza as well now. I've often thought about it."

Hajj liked this idea.

"Abu Hamza is the most beautiful person I have met." said Hajj, recalling stories he had told me before about Hamza as some sort of father figure cooling young Islamic hotheads.

"Look, throughout the trial Hamza hardly looked at me.. I can't imagine he'd want me to visit. I find it hard to handle the diference between your opinion of Hamza and what I've read in the papers. Meeting him face to face, I don't know..."

Hajj said that if i decided to go, he would come with me.

Hmmmm... I thought I had decided to give up on all this...


I.:.S.:. said...

Stay on the fucking case, friend.

Twit said...

fantastically real stuff.

watch your back etc.