September 17, 2006


As promised here is Abu Abdullah telling me my footage would be worth a couple of hundred grand were any more bombs to be set. At the time he believed the 7/7 bombs to be the work of MI-5.

He also calls Zaki Badawi a dog, speaks against Muslims who vote and talks about his intention to move to South Africa. When I got home from this interview, the picture of the 7/7 bombers was on the evening news.


BigDog said...

I had a little trouble understanding the words, and some of the terminology is obscure to me. No criticism on those points, it just is.

I am always amused by the insult "dog". I like dogs. They are loyal, brave, and will sacrifice themselves for those they love. Its not offensive to me.

This stuff is valuable for the historical record, Dave. Hope you have a backup archive. Even if you don't sell the rights, you can probably donate them to a library.

DAVE BONES said...

Fascinating isn't it? I've got quite a document of Abdullahs journey but should have done much more.

It feels like proper "malung" style stuff which sits beside the mainstream stuff as a "bloggers tale" I hope.

DAVE BONES said...

strange isn't it? maybe they just tortured someone at random.

DAVE BONES said...

I will make inquiries.