August 18, 2005

its LSD

Muslim writer blames current political climate in the US on LSD in the sixties:

They kill in cold blood in the name of a democracy they tailored to destroy, not build. It seems the LSD culture of the Sixties in America did not disappear totally.

Eh? since when was LSD culture about killing? He goes on:

I recognize the fact that Americans are not systematically oppressed by their government with bullets and guns, but are oppressed by other means. You see this oppression in the American society by the number of daily murder, theft, fraud and other offences. You see this oppression by the number of American homeless and others who live far below the poverty line. The American dream belongs to a hand-full of Hollywood celebrities, corporate gurus and a regime of mad politicians.

It is clear the U.S. government wages wars to prevent the civil war that sits at its doorsteps. A country that has more than seven millions behind bars; it has more than 35 Million homeless and desperately poor; it has the highest death by car accident in the world; it has the highest crime, fraud and theft rate in the world. The United States represents about 4% of the human family, but produces more than half the world criminals and fraud technicians. Without second-guessing, it is a known fact: previous U.S. wars have produced a segment of its society, being the byproduct of soldiers and generals who survived previous wars. These soldiers and generals have fathered robotic daughters and sons who live in a human body without a human soul. They kill for games and for egos. A battleground for them is a large TV screen, lethal weapons and laughs. No one should be puzzled and surprised anymore; American society is different from all other societies in the world. The more wars United States is prepared to wage outside its borders, the closer it will bring itself to a civil war.


The Scrutinator said...

DB: "Eh? since when was LSD culture about killing?"

Yes, that was the anti-war crowd.

This sounds to my ears just like many other baseless ideas & conspiracy theories confidently pandered to their eager audiences. Ridiculous. A flood of such nonsense, not a trickle.

"You see this oppression by the number of American homeless and others who live far below the poverty line."

Every good anti-American diatribe (militant Muslim or otherwise) must pander to the left, too. It's a formula so tired and predictable, I think the left would be insulted.

"These soldiers and generals have fathered robotic daughters and sons who live in a human body without a human soul."

And, we mustn't forget to pander to the anti-war crowd, in case playing on their leftist heartstrings doesn't quite do it.

DAVE BONES said...

I think he is writing for a Muslim audience entirely. There's loads of stuff he's saying which wouldn't sit well with liberals.

His critisism of western culture is pretty similar to Mr. Kutb's no?