August 01, 2005

Ts for Ds

I don't dare publish a link to it because I don't want to be traced by these people but if you click on this

some white power guys are slagging off my second favourite London news presenter. The comments are hilarious.

Wheres that nice white lady presenter gone?...

Is it Emily-something? Though she is white, even she (well she is a newsreader after all) comes across as an insane liberal....

Emily Matliss, or something like that - I don't think she is white. Shes got some foreign mix in her....

and the best one:

What bugs me most about both of these news shows is how the presenters, who are all from nice backgrounds, seem to replace their Ts for Ds when they speak, adopting a Nicey and Smashy mid-Atlantic accent. We don't have 'hospitals' in the 'capital' anymore, but 'hospidals in the capidal". It infuriates me no end!!....

1 comment:

Ang said...

Can you email me please, someone contacted me looking for you, but I can't find your email address.