August 05, 2005


I was speaking the other day to a professional photo-journalist who has covered events in Finsbury park (although I did not meet him there) and Mr. Bakri's various press conferences over the years.

He said that although Mr Hamza's friends were hostile to him, he noticed that he had a certain charisma, sense of humour and raport with his young audience which had not been apparent through the TV.

He also said that the more of Mr. Bakri's press conferences he went to the more he believed that Al-Mujharoun were actually in league with the right-wing press. He cited an occasion when all the left wing journalists were just scribbling, totally uninterested, whilst the right wing guys were all taking everything down dutifully and asking the guys to repeat things they had missed out.

"Everything they said to the media seemed to be timed to cause the most controversy and one of them would always film everyone, and all that went on in the room."


The Scrutinator said...

"...all the left wing journalists were just scribbling, totally uninterested..."

That sounds like dereliction of duty. Putting them on the record isn't collusion, it's their job.

(Interesting, too, that he so casually identifies left- and right-wing journalists. The press here in the US swear repeatedly that they're not biased.)

DAVE BONES said...

Yeah, I bet you can tell them apart by the way they dress though. Its easy. I've had interesting conversations with journalists from both sides.