March 29, 2006

Check our ad on Gumtree.

Competent jamming drummer wanted for loud growling psychedelic grungy experi-punk with a hint of funk. We have rehersal space + kit. Bring your sticks and your bong.

I might have to have a day off from my anti-ganj sainthood for the auditions. day 21 by the way... beyond this is fairly much uncharted territory.


The Scrutinator said...

Congrats on day 21! Don't take the day off. Instead explain to them why you're drying out. They'll respect that (otherwise screw 'em).

DAVE BONES said...

They know why. One of them is considering a thirty day trial himself. The neuron pathways which connect me to my guitar are bridged by the green stuff and the bridge is down! What to do? I'm considering using the prasad excuse. Ritualise it like the Sadu's do just for guitar playing.

DAVE BONES said...

exactly. Offering the Gods.

Sara said...

That's really great Dave! Keep on going!! Your guitar can wait.