March 08, 2006

JESUS (The carpenter guy)

OK I've done a day without smoking dope.

Thanks for everyone's kind words and prayers. I've got long term spiritual pain but I'm OK really. I've never really got over loosing my christian faith. I've tried to put faith in other things like drugs, sex, love and parties.

"Just enjoy yourself..." seems empty, but in the same way not enjoying yourself is like a crime too.

I couldn't make sense of going back to christianity. Who really practices it?

Ah well. Some people are really suffering aren't they?

A diary is a cathartic tool in itself sometimes innit.

I'm not very eloquent and cant put this into the right words but its something about Blair, Bush, Rightwingsparkle, Dave in Texas and Jesus. You work it out.


Sara said...

Why dwell on religion so much? God is inside all of us, in animals, in nature. So just live your life and appreciate everything around you. You don't have to search for any kind of God because the answers and even the gods you are looking for are all within you! I am very sure of this.

DAVE BONES said...

yeah, I'm on a mission to the religious right in the US to stop the war on terr-r in Jesus' name or something.

It might work.

Indigobusiness said...

You acquited yourself well, Bones. You did a good job clarifying the propagandized notions being tossed around.

It is an egregious act to manipulate the import of the Christian teachings to fit any agenda. Christ not political? It doesn't take much looking to see his political revolt is what got him crucified. Your example of his dust-up with the moneychangers in the Temple is a perfect example. People who cherry-pick aspects of religion to bolster their own psychologies, rather than searching for understanding, are fueling what is ripping the world apart. Very unChristian.

It's an important issue. I just wish there was a genuine, serious and concerted effort to cut through the fog and bullshit.

Good effort, Bones!

DAVE BONES said...

yeah cheers. I'm always trying to remember to find solutions rather than winning an argument but it is hard.

Sparkle is a great christian with a lot of love who's beliefs have put her is situations where she can help people, which is more than i can say for mine.

You should pop over her blog. they'd love you.

DAVE BONES said...

interesting piece about the moneychangers. I've read it differently somewhere. Something about the temple having its own currency everyone had to buy into which was corrupted.

Indigobusiness said...

Thanks, but I'll do my damage elsewhere. I doubt they'd love me all that much. I tend to be a royal pain in the ass -with this stuff, especially. It troubles me when folks insist on sentimentalizing and dogmatizing wisdom traditions.

You're probably right about the Temple scene. Here is another page I looked at when checking into it.

DAVE BONES said...

That was it. Interesting guy ,Jesus.