One of my K stories is part of some serious piece about NDEs on a site called Survival of Consciousness After Death? (scroll down to Ketamine NDE stories)
Fancy that.
(UPDATE!!! two of them! and the one circa Mr. Hamza's arrest is so good its linked twice...)
Now thats what you call blogscience. I wouldn't like my conciousness to survive in the ketamine world I've seen. I vote for reincarnation. Shit you can't vote on these things. Bollocks.

In other news- and I can't quite believe this one: Chef is loosing his voice! This is earth shattering. I hope the Southpark guys strike Chef mute as a protest and get the kids to stick things up his ass until he comes back. Come on Issac... don't be a twat.
My throat is just about recovering from this escapade.
M.. err Ishmael pointed out to me once that although the Times was a Murdoch megaphone, it had good stuff in it particularly internationally. As today involved a short train journey I bought one and along with the frightening news about Southpark I found this great piece about the emerging nightlife of Kabul.
I remember old hippies in India telling me that in the sixties Kabul was a high point in sense of the word, with girls in mini skirts etc. I can't find anything online worth linking to, haven't got time to really look. I remember a great "Kabul free press" or some liberal intellectualist 1970s pre-afghan destruction journal in one of the smoking dens of the Smugglers Bazaar in Peshawar... Memories of a more relaxed time. Maybe Ishmael can help.
Ishmael? Are you sure? That is as wierd as Camel.
1 comment:
Sadly the smugglers market is no more. The line separating Peshawar from the Khyber Agency of the tribal areas ran right through it, and Khyber is now under Taliban law. They shut down the booze and drug shops.
I imagine the night life of Kabul has gone very underground. There were a load of places just waiting to have a grenade thrown over the wall, guarded by security guys who were paid less per month than a meal for two with drinks in the restaraunt...
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