April 21, 2012


Yeah, came slewing to a halt on my bike this afternoon not cos of the intermittent rain but because I was passing the window of Nobrow press who I somehow hadn't noticed before though upon speaking to the guy behind the counter I found out that they had been there for two years and print their own line of very individual comics. I bought two and they were very reasonably priced as well.

 I haven't been blogging very much because I have been working on my own graphic novel which may or may not be connected to the subject matter of this blog (what do you think?)  An idea that hatched itself a long while ago was incubated in fear over a two year period then splurged out and wrote itself in a week and has since had an interesting journey through skill pages looking for an artist- and that's all I am saying for now.

Apart from all this I am going to The Great British Tattoo Show tomorrow looking for tattoo equipment as I want to start drawing on the bits of my legs which don't see the sun very often!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pics