Yasmin said she didn't want to write in a blog format because she didn't want to get feedback from the "vile masses" or something and she compared bloggers to "dusty people on bar stools" or something similar.
So fucking what? Your opinion is FAR more important than anyone elses because you are being PAID for it eh Yasmin? I hate pathetic intellectual snob bitches. Since I opened my Youtube site I've deleted more comments than at first but I still enjoy the "He should go and fug himself" hillbilly comment my films attract. What is wrong with hillbillies? How are they "less" than Yasmin? I see no distinction between educated and unwashed. We are all monkeys.
Come to think of it I do see a distinction. Intellectual snobs are AT THE BOTTOM.
A TV programme I have loved to hate almost made me cry the other day. In Dragons Den various dreamers looking for a knee-stool into the trough of capitalism pitch their ideas to a row of nasty venture capitalists looking to invest their own money. This has a sort of morbid road accident attraction, with capitalists getting off on destroying peoples dreams on TV.
On Sunday I watched a nice old rasta trot up singing a song about his "Reggae reggae sauce" he had been making in his bathtub with his kids or something and selling at the Notting hill carnival. A letter he had in his pocket, which he claimed had an advance order for x million litres actually turned out to be x thousand litres. A slip with figures like this is always the biggest cardinal sin with these people, the wankers in the middle duly tore into him and declared themselves out.
Peter Jones, with a strange look on his face, never seen before on the programme offered to put up half the money for twice the share the rasta was offering. If I was on a seat I would have fallen off it. The Australian fuck on the other end had a little think about it, and put up the other half.
Nice old rasta quickly accepts, hugging his new muti millionare buisness partners with the others clapping. It was worth seeing all of the other horrible series of this programme just to watch the format turn on its head just this once. Jamaican culture is still bankable eh?
Levi Roots is the singer who slayed the dragons of BBC2's business show with a reggae tune.
He convinced the millionaire investors on Dragons' Den to back his plan to produce his Reggae Reggae sauce on an large scale.
Now Roots, from Brixton, is in talks with Sainsbury's about distributing the sauce, which claims to "put music in your food". He may also have a surprise hit song on his hands.
...Discussions about a nationwide launch with Sainsbury's could even be accompanied by a chart release of the Reggae Sauce song following thousands of enquiries from viewers after Wednesday's show.
Roots said: "I'm not in this to be the next Heinz ketchup. I just want to bring the sweet, sweet flavour of reggae music to the world."
If you click on the site you can watch the whole thing.
UPDATE: Youtube here
Mr Bonewanker! Bored of hating on groups? Need an individual to hate?
Got not so deep homosexual urges you can't deal with elsewhere? Glad to be of service.
How does he do that?
You've been fully cloned.
I know. My inner repressed homosexual.
Thanks for this link to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown columnist. I will make her regular reading along with Fisk, Monbiot, Pilger, Rall etc. Molly Ivins' passing left a hole in my reading schedule.
ha ha. Happy new year Mr. Dog. I can't stand any of these snobby glitterati anti-blogger tossers.
Happy New Year!
No one likes snobs. They can be entertaining tho.
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