When the going gets tough...
We're in Afghanistan, where things are going so badly for hard-pressed British troops that they are not really taking any reporters along with them to observe the war against the Taliban. Same old thing from the
British Ministry of Defence sadly: they are perfectly content to have reporters along for the ride when it's soft hats and hearts and minds stuff in the streets of Lashkar Gah - but when the whole mission's turned on its head into a war, they suddenly cannot find room for reporters.
Same old story of course. So, all British broadcasters are pretty much censored out of the continuing war.
Question: if the war's gong so terribly well, as the politicians and military brass continually claim, why is it 'too dangerous' for us to go and observe it and show this success on the ground to the public?
All of which leaves our correspondent Kylie Morris, up in Kabul talking to the military leaders. One of them, Lt Gen David Richards, the British commander of NATO forces, reckons that NATO will have to be in southern Afghanistan for a least the next three to five years. That, may tell us rather more about the truth of what is happening in southern Afghanistan.
Yup. Afghanistan is a long hard road. First we have secured the center, then the task is to extend control to the periphery. This is a classic problem of nationalization compounded by the complete destruction of infrastructure and international terrorist organizations.
and all the Drug Barons switching sides when the American government did.
The drug trade is an almost insoluable problem, imo.
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