OK. Last night I was wondering whether I should phone Abdullah after hearing about South east London arrests. I got the news of the world this morning.
Fourteen Muslims arrested over the alleged plot to take out a London landmark are linked to terror camps run in the school’s grounds, hidden from unwitting staff.
One of the 14 is hate cleric Abu Abdullah. Dubbed Attila The Scum, he is hook-handed monster Abu Hamza's No 2.
Abdullah, 42, who was born and bred in Britain, was detained just days after stating he would “love” to kill British troops in Afghanistan.
He is regarded by anti-terror detectives as a key figure in their investigation into a plot which an intelligence source said would “out-do 7/7.”
The arrests came after a nine-month surveillance operation involving MI5, which centred on suspects visiting the Jameah Islameah Islamic school in picturesque Catt’s Hill, near Crowborough.
I spent the whole day thinking he had been arrested and then read this
THE home of a radical Islamist preacher in London has been raided as police investigating an alleged "terrorist pipeline" supplying British Muslim fighters to Iraq and Afghanistan arrested 14 men at the weekend.
Abu Abdullah, an associate of Abu Hamza, the jailed British-based hook-handed cleric, boasted in an interview last week how he would "love" to kill British troops in Afghanistan and warned of future terrorist attacks in Britain.
The raid on his house formed part of a long-term operation by Scotland Yard and MI5 targeting suspects allegedly involved in the recruitment and grooming of young British Muslims for martyrdom operations abroad and possibly at home. The 14 arrests were made in co-ordinated raids at the weekend.
Police also cordoned off an independent Islamic school in Crowborough, East Sussex, south of London, which had regularly hosted camping weekends for Muslim youths.
The school had reportedly been used by Hamza and his followers for physical and spiritual training exercises.
Forensic experts searched Mr Abdullah's terraced home in Bromley, south London, while police stood guard outside.
But it remained unclear whether the father of four, aged 42, was one of the 14 men who had been arrested.
So he has either been arrested or he hasn't. And which of the other guys has gone down? What have they done? I called Abdullah no reply as yet. Turns out this is all connected to a CNN interview.
Compare this with my interview with him days after 7/7. Its obviously been highly editted but he's said some stupid things, and its not as if he didn't know who Dan Rivers was or what sort of stories he's made about Finsbury park.
This is Abdullah outside the mosque. (see MOSQUE ROPENS AND CLOSES AGAIN)I was standing in front of him and remember all of it well but had no camera at the time and I don't know who filmed this. Do read the comments on Youtube
you're a good video editor, you. someone should give you a job in tv.
It really is time to end this disease of political correctness and actually do something about the Muslim problem in Britain. Yes, its true, these scum living here on the dole and benefitting from free education and healthcare really do believe that 'Allah provides' - a direct quote from one of the would-be terrorists interviewed on Jon Snow's C4 documentary. Let us not fool ourselves, most of these Fifth Columnists wish us ill, and the minority who do voice a Britain-friendly opinion do so only when they fear a backlash. The first priority for this government should be to close down Islamic 'faith schools' and then to ban mosques, the other source of anti-western hatred within these shores. Don't doubt it, the majority of Muslims in Britain sympathise with 9/11 and 7/7. Remove them all before its too late.
Well, anonymous, it looks like you may actually have understood Islam and its uncompromisingness.
What really interests me, however, is the non-Muslims who sympathise with 9/11 (you can write Sep 11, please... we are British after all) and even 7/7...
One of the recent terrorism arrests was of an English convert, a young man with originally a double-barrelled family name before he adopted an Arabic name, from the family of some relatively prominent Tory politician...
Do you really think it is that bad anonynous? When the IRA were bombing were you calling for deportation of all the Irish?
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