Ha ha ha ha check this out. The Sun, the nations biggest selling daily are ripping my work off and passing it as their own "exclusive". Ha ha ha ha. Its even got my logo in the corner! 3 min 50 is fair use? I don't fucking think so motherfuckers.

If you click on their video channel
here and click in the "roo player" (?) on "Sun Exclusive" scroll down to "Words of Evil".
Let them get away with it and IT WILL BE YOU NEXT!!!
Seems to have gone now. I hope you've put in a claim for cash for them using your footage on their wonderful website.
You go get em Dave - make em pay!!!
Yeah its gone. There is only crap on it now.
Do you realise how much money you've lost with this?
I'm sure they are just about to pay me. It must be a mix up.
I'm there for you sweetie!
13th marcha and it's still there dave!!!
what a bloody rip off,
you better get compensated for that!!
I wonder if anyone watching that will search for "malungtvnews".
Some news mag here in the States, Newsweek or Time or some such, tried the same thing with Micheal Yon. Used his work without payment or attribution. They dismissed him as "just a blogger" and therefore his property rights coudl be ignored.
Motherfuckers. He gets fucking shot at for what he does. They don't miserable pieces of shit.
Yeah its gone.
No it's not, you just have to dig for it now.
Teh way it looks anyone could have posted it, none the less it's on the suns site w/o your permission. If it were me, I'd take a look at what happened to Brian at snappedshot.com, then consider lawyering up and go after some of that MSM crazy cash.
www.neildoyle.com i'm behind you 100%
BTW, have you attempted to contact the sun about this?
They know exactly who I am and what they have done.
Hmmm, nice of them. I'm with you. Put up my own warning at R30C.
Methinks you ought to play hardball with them. Are you aware of the way the AP treated Brian Ledbetter at snappedshot? Looks like you might be in the position of the AP. Assholes, sorry, Lawyers work pro-bono over there? If so, you ought to perSUE this, if you get my drift.
They know exactly who I am and what they have done.
I take that as a NO. You know you're just setting yourself up for this to happen again? I may disagree with some of your views but you've got talent, don't let them take advantage of you this way!
Nice work with the defacing of Sun News Tv!!! Give em hell!
Flippin cheak,who do they think they are,I hate the sun the worst liars of em all,theyre loaded you deserve at least something Dave.Youve got support.
I'm sure they owe me money too, from 2007.
Shall we go after them?
(It has been a long time since then already, ha!)
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