That, to me is nothing to be proud of. I'm really proud of the Sex Pistols for subverting it. I'm really proud of how, when they were banned from playing anywhere on land during the Queen's jubilee in 1977, they took to the Thames in a boat and got themselves arrested. It was the right thing to do at the time.
I caught a fantastic documentary about the Brixton riots earlier. These after the fact "truth and reconciliation" docs are truly inspired sometimes. In this one they interview rioters, Police, news reporters and politicians from the time interspersed with news footage and the words of Margaret Thatcher.
Everyone knew which side they were on in the 1980s. To black people in Brixton, Toxteth and Handsworth, the Police were the enemy. All sides said that progress was made as a result of these riots. I know Blairism isn't the "third way" it was sold as, but still this isn't the 1980s. We've got a chance to stop grinding axes and move forward. I worry that we won't have long before an energy crisis. If we don't sort it out, Thatcher style fascism could return in this country easily. I'm not with these people who are moaning about a "Police state" now. This is nothing like the 80s. But we've got to be watchful.
Oddly and contrary to popular belief - the Union Flag was never officially adopted as the British flag. It does not include Wales yer see.
Officially the GB flag is still the Royal Standard.
Now the name Union Jack - Jack comes from the 'Jack Mast' where it is flown on a ship.
While this once great country of ours finally goes to shit this coming June - that flag was once something to proud enough of to die for.
Not any more it isn't.
What happens in June? i suppose you'd have a difering view of the flag being ex-military an all.
Yep....let me vent a little here,
On the 6th of June the one Regiment that set the standard for nearly all armies of the world - so much so they were nicknamed 'The Pattern' by the Americans during the war of independence will fade in to history never to return.
After 306 years the Duke of Wellington's Regt (the only commoners regt) will be amalgamated into the Yorkshire Regiment and be gone forever.
With more battle honours than any regiment, two set or royal colours (as opposed to one)and more Victoria Crosses than you can shake a stick at - it ends and for what?
So the one thing that jelled us together can be just wiped away.
That regiment was my regiment.
From the 6th of June I will have no reason to bear allegiance to Great Britain any longer.
The union flag was a rally point, it represented who we were. It was a distant sign of safety, security and home.
After june 6th - you can do with it as you like.
Sorry, it just gets me pissed…
vent away mate. Help yourself. Its a world I know little about though now you mention it I think I heard about this.
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