via Omegaprojektet
...I now find myself at a point where I am completely disillusioned with all of this New Age love and light bullshit, and endless conspiracy crap. The followers of the ‘Cult of Icke’, as I shall call it for want of a better name, are no more enlightened than the followers of any other religious or political belief system you care to name. They are merely sheep who have moved out of one pen and straight into another, whilst believing themselves to have been set free...
...There is a difference you see, between talking the talk, and walking the walk. And I’m sorry to say it, Mr. Icke, but all I’ve seen you and your followers doing so far is a whole lot of talking. Your lips might be moving, as they often are for hours on end, but your feet are still stuck firmly to the ground...
...It isn’t the bloody reptilians that are the real problem down here – it’s us; and as long as yourself and others keep endlessly spouting on about how nasty these lizard folks are you’re simply distracting the real human beings on this planet from actually taking responsibility for themselves, and making a positive change. Knowingly or not, you’re only engaging in further promoting victim mentality, thus disempowering people even more, and keeping them locked within a false cage of self-imposed experiential limitation....
What about the butterfly people?
I read Papillon. Can't remember butterfly people.
A bad joke in response to reptile people.
I was just in an email exchange about Devil's Island, and the leper scene in Papillon (the movie). It occurred to me that to overcome our ills it takes the kind of commitment to freedom that Papillon showed when he (Steve McQueen) was offered the half smoked cigar by the leper, and he paused for just a split second before accepting it, chomping down on it and drawing deeply.
The leper then asked him how he knew he didn't have the contagious form of leprosy. He replied, "I didn't".
Now THAT was a man commited to freedom.
Yeah, a film I've always wanted to see. The Caribean sounds like an interesting place culturaly and historicaly.
Yeah, it's a pirate's life, innit?
Devil's Island could be considered in the farthest southern reaches of the Caribean, I guess, but French Guiana is just above Brazil.
Papillon's story is incredible. The movie is one I can watch again and again. The documentary is compelling, too. I caught it, not long ago.
There is a trilogy of historical novels about the slave trade, and slave culture, by Madison Smartt Bell. It's supposed to be extraordinary (Master of the Crossroads, etc). I collected the books, but haven't yet tackled them.
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