Going a long way back to the old old story of Finsbury park mosque, you may remember how a lot of this talk of a "Zionist conspiracy" sounded , and I asked you to read Jamal's pdf and judge for yourselves. I was always careful not to be drawn, and to clarify when the guys talked about "the Jews" that they meant "The Zionist organisation". the whole thing always left me uncomfortable though as I wanted to take everything face front but didn't want to be repeating anything which sounded like anti-semitism. I've just found a Jewish commentator on all this who seems very interesting and also takes the whole anti-semitism thing by the horns. Apparently he invented the board game "Scrupples".
he's a strange fella. This is his piece about holocaust and holocaust revisionism. Do look at the comments. Also The Bikini and the Burkah.
"Anti-Semitism" you dolt. Nice to see you're still alive.
nice one. can't spell without u
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