May 12, 2008


Quilliam videos

From the Quilliam Policy Document Pulling Together to Defeat Terror:

The BBC, ITN, Sky, CNN and British print press have a duty to assist
mainstream Muslims in our fight against extremists. By giving our
detractors airtime, you undermine our cause and strengthen/legitimise a
minority discourse. Editors, producers, researchers, and guest invitation
assistants can help by
▪ Extending the unwritten no air-time rule for the far-right, to Islamist
▪ Avoiding groups that claim to represent all Muslims, since British
Muslims are too diverse to be represented by any one group;
▪ Ending the media game of ‘good Muslim’ and ‘bad Muslim’ to produce
exciting television;
▪ Stop hunting for ‘critics of Islam’ to bash Muslims (an episode of BBC
Newsnight during the Archbishop of Canterbury’s comments on Shariah
law was particularly worrying);
▪ Liberal newspapers’ editors should think twice before allowing column
space to Hamas and its supporters while they remain commited to the
destruction of Israel;
▪ Denying genuine Islamophobes, or Muslim haters, an unchallenged
voice in column spaces or interview slots because they, like Islamists,
have a particular warmongering mindset that undermines social

There is a lot more about "deradicalisation centres", buddy schemes which put people in contact with ex- Jihadi's, combatting Wahabism etc.

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