OK. I didn't want to get worked up over this 9/11 bollocks but, you know by now, if I need to know anything about anything I always ask the Republicans and if I don't get an answer I worry...
and...you know.. well I was watching that Loose change 9/11 thing and it shows a clip from the video where Mr. Bin admits to 9/11 and come to think of it he does have an awfully big nose, and.. how come he's right handed in it? He's supposed to be left handed no? And what about the ring? Thats against Islamic law no? I'm just asking... Is this the video we are supposed to be relying on for the 9/11 confession? I don't know. Is it?
I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation...
UPDATE: Cheers to Geoff over on Sparkles blog who dampened my fireworks a bit with this explanation of Mr. Bin's appearance and this look into the ring thing. hmmm... I was enjoying that. I was a bit manic last night due to thirteen days and no dope. Doing well aren't I?
What a gibbering wrangle. Folks seem to be more eager to smear those who would untangle and reveal conspiracies than hang the criminal conspirators. (Disclaimer -I am opposed to hanging, etc. BTW)
Not every conspiracy theory holds water, but it is criminal to facilitate or run interference for high-crimes. And nearly every high-crime is a conspiracy.
We live in an Orwellian clusterfuck of doublespeak.
People tend to jump to conclusions without all the facts. Their opinions are then meaningless. The point is to get ALL the facts on the table, then decide.
To take a page from Colbert, I don't like facts much. They are slippery.
Yeah, the love of factual info has lost its luster. Dogma, delusion and denial rule. Everything is suddenly slippery as wet fish.
Colbert is the quintessential contemporary icon.
I was a bit manic last night due to thirteen days and no dope. Doing well aren't I?
Hey! Glad to hear that you're on day thirteen! Keep it up! (Some days are like that. Maybe blogging keeps you out of worse trouble. I'm glad for that.)
Why not write a review of the loose change movie? Tell us it's strongest and weakest points/arguments. Fact-check three things at random, and two more of the hardest things for you to believe.
That would give us a sense of what it's about.
Indigo: The point is to get ALL the facts on the table, then decide.
I agree in principle, but what happens when the table gets cluttered with other-than-facts?
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