March 20, 2006

I love Sundays.

Woke up sunday morning aware of some anti-corporate geek conference which was to be held at Speakers corner. Went next door to see if my neighbour who owns one of these felt like filming. She was ready to go in 20 minutes. How cool is that? Big up Spanish punk chicks, and Spanish chicks in general.

Anyway, got there just as it started, filmed anti-corporate geeks having a rant. (Pictures coming) Interesting stuff I agree with but they weren't very good. Once the regular hecklers found them things got a bit more interesting. I love filming in Speakers corner. The regular hecklers (who seem to be mostly Irish) are the stars of the show. Speakers corner is a great place to practice everything about filming, microphone techniques and editting. We're going back soon to make more of this type of stuff with as many camera as we can get our hands on.

UPDATE: Here is one of the "copyfighters" sites. This is memetherapy who is going to put up a podcast. Apparently where normal people fight for "rights" geeks fight for "digital rights".

We went across the way to film a procession of Shia's who were hitting themselves. They were carrying models of mosques and paper mache bloody heads on poles. A really nice university lecturer from the States explained everything. Maybe I'll try and knock it together with his voice over. In the middle of marble Arch we blagged some really nice dinner off the organisers.

Over to the Square to find old friends from the creative forum. The smallest one yet, but still fantastic. These people are good eggs. Don't know if we are going to achieve anything but its always great to get together. Saw a rushed edit of Jo's venezuela stuff, followed by a slide show about the very professionally put together Art Not Oil which is getting great publicity in the mainstream press. Also met a great guy who was running a car on SVO who was up for filming.

After this someone who I think was from 911truthbritsol showed one of those 9/11 conspiracy films. Before he showed it he asked who thought Al-Qaeda did 9/11, who thought the US military let it happen and who thought it was an inside job. I put my hand up for all three. I've watched a few of these. 9/11 in Plane site, Confronting the Evidence etc. boring badly made films. The guys who believe this come across like new agers. Loose Change (online here) was much more watchable.

I neither believe or disbelieve 9/11 conspiracies. Either Al-Quaeda did it or it was an inside job. I wasn't there. Some "pwotestors" are annoyed at the religious fervour or 9/11 conspiracy theorists. I'm not. I'll listen to anyone. I actually prefer people who are slightly cracked to be honest. I bought a copy for my Muslim buddies.

Do check it out- paticularly if you are Replublican. I'd value your feedback. Seriously, this one is worth sitting through.

One thing- if the clip they show of Bin laden admitting 9/11 is Osama Bin laden then I am Abu Hamza. All the stuff about the twin towers being the only steel structures to ever collapse from fire, the tiny hole and wrong jet engine found in the Pentagon, the missing wreckage from Pittsburg (?), don't know why it doesn't move me, but a face is a face. That isn't Bin Laden and he's not right handed. This is one of those clips which makes you think

"Not only are they fucking us, they WANT US TO KNOW that they are fucking us."

Fascinating stuff.

Regular readers will know that I never usually talk about "they" as I'm not really into the concept of "them". Maybe this film has had more influence than I realise. Watch it. Tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

Dave, here is what I think. Some guys got together, (it doesn't matter who the boss was, any more than the name of the person currently fucking Iraq matters), and, from misbegotten motives, happened to kill a bunch of people as much a matter of luck as anything else. Conspiracy? Yes, but only if indolence and happenstance were co-conspirators.

Now we have a "post 9-11 world" where paranoia is the order of the day. It's kinda like the "post- Pearl Harbor world" where thousands of Japanese-Americans were held at the "Guantanamo of the southwest."

Oh well, they'll be coming for me soon because of what I just said so I'd better sign off.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching loose change 2nd edition....
While I think there has been a lot of poetic liceince used in the making of this - there is no doubt at all that there are serious questions to be answered. Especially regarding the Pentagon crash site.
It does worry me that there has not been more conclusive results from effective evidence that is known to be available - least of which is the full footage from the pentagon's own security cameras that no one seems to wish to show.
Oh and the Mobile Phone issue is a major question mark

DAVE BONES said...

The moblie phone thing is as big a hole as the hole in the pentagon is small. But what about the Bin Laden tape? Its not the same guy is it?

DAVE BONES said...

nice one jose. I editted loads of pictures off the tape and then lost them. my computers playing up. I'm too depressed about it to have another go just yet.