Mr Choudhary is still in the news, in The Daily Mail who are featuring an expose by someone with whom he went to college and in an article by Abul Taher and Daniel Foggo in The Telegraph claiming that
...Anjem Choudary is now considered by many politicians and religious leaders as the most dangerous Islamist extremist in Britain...
If Anjem Choudary is the most dangerous Islamist in Britain, then the Moomins must rank amongst the biggest threats to Christianity our country has ever faced for presenting a dangerous alternative to traditional values.
The man is joke who says stupid shit to gain media exposure for no reason other than he likes seeing his face in the papers and on GMTV. If our mainstream media would ignore such marginalised sillies, average Joe wouldn't believe that they were representative of Muslims as a whole.
ha ha everyone has an opinion about Choudharry/Bakri?Hamza without meeting them. I am going to try and film with him before forming mine.
I have never got the feeling that he wanted to kill me yet. I will try and keep eveyone informed if that changes, but I am not expecting it to..
I doubt he really wants to kill anyone, but I'm fairly sure he'd like people to think he would.
Y'know, for the lolz and whatnot.
PS Are you actually planning on filming with him? That would be interesting. I'd look forward to following how it goes.
Yeah I never intended to, I was always totally Finsbury park based and that was so difficult I had no intention of starting again with a new group.
Abu Waleed contacted me when he was being "exposed" in some paper in the Midlands and he is connected to Choudharry's posse. He filled me in a bit on the rivalry between Bakri and Hamza which I was always aware of whilst filming in Finsbury.
I suppose now Hamza's group have dispanded no one has an axe to grind and its just history.
I introduced myself to Mr Choudharry at his meeting in Bethnal Green and we spoke further in Harrow a couple of weeks back.
I said I didn't really know what I could film with him which would be new as he has been on TV a lot but he had some interesting ideas.
Looking forward for more such stuff. Loved your style of providing the information and the nature of the content.
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