We've not heard a lot about the Taliban since their rule in Afghanistan was ended, so I was quite suprised to find them all holed up in a cafe on the end of brick lane.
"Are you the taliban?" I asked.
"Allah ho Akbar!! Death to the fucking Infidel bastards!!" they answered smiling.

??? Mikey, help us out here
Below is an earlier version with USSR written forwards and backwards on the helicopters. Good rugs no? Nice food in the restaurant. The patrons told me a lot of people take an interest in the rugs.

There's an Afghan restaurant in the Chicago area that has rugs like that on the walls, though I don't think they say "2002." They do celebrate victory over the Soviets, with Kalashnikov rifles and such on them (which is what attracted my attention).
Food was good. I didn't ask about Taliban ties.
Mahagireen Camp is a squatter slum in Hyderabad, India.
My best guess is it's a mis-spelling for what is usually transliterated Muhajirin (Arabic).
That was the original Muslims of Mecca who emigrated to Medina with Muhammed when the Meccans kicked him out.
But more generally, it means "emigrants". Those who leave their homes and possessions and go somewhere else. "Refugees".
Those rugs were very common when the Soviets were still in Afghanistan. How an ancient craft, with a jolt, absorbs the imagery of the instruments of modern warfare. I used to have a small one with a grenade and a Kalashnikov rifle on it.
terrorist lover!
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