January 18, 2006

Ritual humiliation or charades?

Cheers to Anna for sending me this picture. I am a bit more unhinged than normal but I thought this was beautiful. Seminal TV. Sure everyone can shout shit. For me this is the only time I have ever liked Galloway. This sequence of events was like a ritual humiliation of a huge ego, an almost spiritual theatre of the absurd. It was also simply just Rula Lenska and George Galloway playing charades.

I'm so glad I saw it, I'm so glad he did it and I haven't got a fucking clue why. Something about this being on TV makes me feel spiritually peaceful. Its like I know I am comfortable not understanding why.


Anonymous said...

To a U.S. liberal the answer is "bullshit!" Do you really think this is new? This is like: "yea, but could I have a beer?". You
Continentals have got it all over us politically, but you are infants about everything else. Jesus Christ, Bones do you think this shit is news? Just because there are neaderthals in the mid-south does not mean that the Renaissance has not arrived across the pond. I see your posts on "Sparkle" and I realize that they look "avant garde" to the ass holes. But, Bones you obviously don't get it. At least 50% of us are faster than you are. We just made a terrible mistake. But we'll be back, tatoos, bones in our noses and all. Do you think we do not get British TV here? Being obtuse does not impress liberals here. It may impress "Sparkle" and her small group of zealots, but it does not impress blue America. So, while Sparkle obviously thinks you are cute, we liberals know that it takes more than "cute" to make it in mainstream America.

Anonymous said...

Now that was the nice version. This is the real version. You appear to be a gutless Brit! You have a huge chance to enlighten us colonists, but instead, you come up with some "hey dude" comment that tells me nothing other than you seem to be a flake. How about standing your ground? Or, are you so infatuated by the staged picture of a Houston houswife that you have lost your mind? Is this your "finest hour" you limey f...? Stand up and be somebody.

Indigobusiness said...

du monde- Who the hell wants to make it in mainstream America?

Stepford must be stopped.

(Mikey's gonna kick yer ass.)

DAVE BONES said...

cheers mr du monde! I understand a bit of that..I promise I'll come back to it.

DAVE BONES said...

What are you saying exactly? I read it again and I still don't get it. Sparkle thinks I'm cute and obtuse? Galloway "doing the cat" isn't news? It was big news in the houses of parliament and this aint news anyway, its a blog.

what hey dude comment? What flake? What ground should I stand?

I.:.S.:. said...

Yeah Dave, what ground should you be fucking standing? Start by finding out who is behind du monde, and why he is challenging you to stand up and be somebody.

What ground are you standing in spending two years with these jihadis? Just asking.

Dave already is somebody, I can vouch for that. What is it to be somebody? What is truth? I don't understand the obsession with Big Brother either, though.

DAVE BONES said...

you gotta watch it to understand it! cheez Mike!

Indigobusiness said...

Bloody hell...I thought this had the makings of a real dust-up.

I'm going back to sleep.