Fucking excellent. Unbelievable stuff already. The thing I love about the Reality TV format, and have always wanted to blog about is that if you put a camera on someone 24 hours their personality is bound to come out, however much they try to push their own self perception on the public. It works on every one. Sure they “edit” but, you know, everyone does it. When we form an opinion of someone we “edit”. Does that make sense?
First George has an I'm more famous than you argument with Dennis Rodman, then he's sulking about it with Rula Lenska saying
"If Dennis thinks hes number one, well every Muslim in the world has heard of me and thats 4 billion people.
Fucking classic. Thats what happens when you live surrounded by people who tell you that you are important eh George?
"Every Muslim in the world has heard of me." said with a totally serious face.
Fucking timeless, classic television. My stomach hurts from laughing so much.
"I thought people were going to ask me questions, like what is Tony Blair like...That blonde girl says to me "Do you work in parliament? Is that the big building with the green seats in it?""
A bit of reality George! Guess what? People don't care that much about politics George.
They don't smoke cigars with other power obsessed people George..
UPDATE: Its George vs Jodie vs Pete for eviction. Its just possible that enough people hate Galloway, but the golden rule in this social experiment: WOMEN CONTROL THE VOTE and they are gonna vote Jodie out in big numbers. As I've said in the comments below, maybe I'd like to see him kept in to make more of a fool of himself.
If there is a serious point behind this merciless Galloway bashing it is this;
I think that if the peace "movement" is portraying itself as uniting behind Galloway as a "leader" playing the same power games as everyone else in this outmoded concept we call "reprsentative democracy" it is making a serious mistake which has cost the empowering process of maybe two million people in this country.
Thats what I think anyway.
There are about 1 billion muslims. I expect Galloway knows this, but can't help but "inflate" his numbers. :P
or maybe I misquoted cos I'm stoned.
George is a great "inflater" either way.
RULA LENSKA too??? SHIT! This is such injustice! Oh well, guess I'll go watch another rerun of Keeping Up Appearances...
You've got a stab at voting Galloway out if you can raise enough interest among Republicans over there.
I don't know if I'd rather see him stay in to make more of a fool of himself.
Definitely he should stay on. PS I am stoned too
He does say that "the Muslims and the progressives are on the same side".
On the whole thats got to be true although I get the feeling George is on George's side.
Wouldn't be right to vote Galloway out since I don't watch the show.
I am a firm believer in the "Free market of ideas" - the more Galloway talks, the more he discredits his side and irritates people.
The only people Galloway irritates are people uncomfortable with the truth of his assertions.
He actually said one and a half billion but the principle remains the same.
Rula plays a double game, cuddling Jodie one minute and saying behind her back that she should eat rice and pasta while the other eat chicken and the veggie's quorn the next.
George has excelled himself in scumminess. We're witnessing the meltdown of the stalinoid left thanks to GG on BB.
I didn't vote for George coz I want him to stay and finish the job so the proper left can get on with it.
All the women I've spoken to or seen posting have come to like Jodie. It's the males who wank over her and resent her for it who want to savage her. Anyhow, the public might just have wanted the two to stay in who they think will give max entertainment over the next weeks.
so you think the gender balance against Jodie is from the other direction?
we must agree to disagree
Thats not true! He irritates the fuck out of me and I agree with everything he says.
Yeah, but you've got a bug up your ass.
Just kidding, I'm fairly annoyed myself.
I expect politicians to at least be consistent in their hypocrisy, and not do in public what can be safely assumed they do in private.
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