Last time they bollocked him they “saluted his courage his strength and his indefatigability”. To say he “walked into this one”...amazing. Hes taken to pacing round the garden, smoking on his own. If he regrets all this hes going to regret it even more when he is booed out on Wednesday.

“If he can't stick to the rules in here, whats he like on the outside?” asked the Essex girl.
“When Preston does something wrong he pours his heart out and apologises” notices baywatch babe. “With George, Rula goes to him, Maggot goes to him and its him who has done wrong. He can't go to them and apologise. He can't come to me.”
“A corrupt politician, who'd have thought it?” asks the neo-mod he stabbed in the back.
On Maggots resume it says he wants to get into politics. If he could replace Galloway as “the leader of the anti-war movement” after this we could maybe get somewhere. The guys is on top form and deserves to win but Barrymore has been playing a huge sympathy card with the public for years.
Everything that was bloody obvious about Galloways personality has been borne out in the housemates opinion of him now. Well done Channel 4. Maybe the “peace movement” will actually become a “movement” now or at least hesitate before uniting behind another “leader”.
Malung prediction: Public vote Galloway out wednesday. His political career? Maybe he could look for a small island with some monkeys he could talk to about his chats with Mandela and Saddam.
I hope you're wrong! Galloway's the best thing going for it. Kick off Rula Lenska!!!!
already gone mate.
I used to think Galloway was machiavellian in his self interest, now I think he is a loon.
That pic makes me chuckle, its the best so far. He cant' top that! Time to go.
I just can't put it into words. The whole thing is so poetic. He's turned on a stupid little popstar who was going in the diary room saying what a "top gezzer" he was. He's totally betrayed the little git and he's blaming the little git for it.
hes sitting there unconsolable sucking his fat cigar. What a fucking absolute tosser.
sorry it's inconsolable or uncuncealable or.. oh fuck it. its late.
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