A citizen of Mosul's son is a Star from Mosul who is a very happy voter.
I opposed the war at the start and was proud of UK kids for trying to stop it. Now, reading the words of those American's who believe they are risking their lives to "free" this guy from tyranny is sobering. After Dictatorship, democracy has to look like a good idea, unless you are Islamic, in which case you've got a Christian invader on your hands which it is your duty to fight apparently.
I hold a lot less opinions since I've been experimenting with film, and generally over the last few years. I rarely make judgments anymore. I lean left but its not the whole story. That I know for a fact. When I first started I thought "The media are all controlled by government" etc. I felt a lot more "activist" but was hugely cynical in "activist" circles.
Filming the Finsbury park story was like an artistic rebellion against that sort of "pigeon holing." of "self". I can't stand in any group of any description for too long. I used to have much more of a "monkey" nature.
FIT squad: So what have you been filming?
Bones: I've got 45 hours from Finsbury park.
FIT squad: So what are you goin' to do wiv it then?
Bones: I'm going to make a bloody film with it.
Watching the process of news being made and then seeing it on TV later I'm a lot more convinced that it is all a big misunderstanding. That George and Tony are actually nice people who are just ill advised or maybe just "unaware of opportunities" for humanity maybe. There is a great investment in the status quo. It doesn't matter how many people suffer elsewhere as long as you can't see them. Those who would interest others in change run too quickly down the "protest" funnel and make themselves unable to communicate the change that they want to see.
To be fair to the FIT squad, suicidal versions of the protestors they used to see many, many years ago must have been the nightmare which went through their minds when they saw me. Thats fair enough I suppose. We all see in stereotypes. I wouldn't like to do their job all day. Making a mental leap between leery, ketamine and can of cider/squat protest culture and sober, pious fundamental Islam would HOPEFULLY be too difficult for anyone to invent.
I've kept this blog just in case anyone with the power to remove my freedom would try.
I can't see a God anywhere, or any obvious answers. I'd like there to be a benevolent God but I've watched nature programs on TV. How animals behave towards each other doesn't hint at a benevolent God to me. Quite the opposite, and those who teach their children about a benevolent God seem the most predesposed to justify killing.

I can see right and wrong but I'm afraid that this is what I think life is really all about. I can't justify myself in this theory either.
It does sober me though, to find Police on the ground so easily obsessed with public order problems they never see anymore when in reality we seem to be threatened by miniscule numbers of well behaved people who might explode.
Motives are only of interest to those who seek to punish, or mete out justice. For me, it is the consequence from ill-conceived notions of ill-gotten power brokers that matters.
so what to do?
Insist on integrity.
Oh, and by the way...I see God, writ large, all over this.
like that?
but who insist on integrity from who?
Goddess, if you please. Maybe Aphrodite - Aphrodite Kallipygos as they called her - "Aphrodite with the beautiful ass / Aphrodite of the beautiful rump"...
See? That's why God concepts are completely lost on you heathens. When I said I saw God, writ large, all over this, I wasn't saying the ass was God... although she might be Aphrodite -for all I know.
Gender references have no place in reference to God...that's just out-and-out silliness. Some might see God in that ass, and who would blame them/me? 'That is one ungodly fine ass' -others might say (equally blamelessly). Personally, I'm having a religious experience...as we speak.
The people must demand integrity from their elected leaders (and power-brokers of all stripe), or the corruption will filter down into the culture. A vicious cycle.
To wit: Civilization.
I can't see a God anywhere, or any obvious answers. I'd like there to be a benevolent God but I've watched nature programs on TV. How animals behave towards each other doesn't hint at a benevolent God to me. Quite the opposite, and those who teach their children about a benevolent God seem the most predesposed to justify killing.
This is the sort of evaluation that results from ideas of God as puppetmaster.
Consider Spinoza's God. Then watch the sublime and tranquill resignation of the antelope as the cheetah sinks its teeth into its throat. The circle manifest. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
I don't think that is sublime and tranquil. I think its terror.
As for the coruption from lack of integrity- thats the story so far no?
Study the phenomenon a bit more carefully, Bones. My characteristization has been noted repeatedly by scientists in the field.
When the angel of death approaches it is horrific, when it reaches you, it is
Mystical Islamic Sulfi Proverb
This poem touches on this quite beautifully.
Yep, that is the sad story, so far...for some of us civilized folk.
scientists in the field? Angel of death? OK then how about a mouse dragging its broken back legs across the floor panting through hours of cold blooded torture at the paws of "little moggy"
is that still Suffistick and God-like?
There is cruelty. And its opposite. I don't deny that.
Never mind all that. I just have to comment on the picture.
You can see God too?
I would consider converting.
Its comforting to have something to believe in.
It's just as comforting to have nothing to disbelieve.
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